Pediatric Medicine Board Review Podcast- Created by Residents Weekly episodes are brief cases with accompanying discussion about the pertinent points. Then the cases' answer choices are reinforced on social media throughout the week. Each month has a unifying theme for the cases (Infectious Disease, Newborn, Cardiology, etc.), and each month ends with a review episode running through the high-yield takeaways from the month's cases. Good luck studying, and we hope to see you soon!
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Stats Facts! Study Biases
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Today we’re reviewing high-yield Stats Facts! about Study Biases. These episodes are not case-based, which differs from the episodes released in prior months. The content will be presented in a discussion/didactic format, and we hope you enjoy!
Follow the podcast on social media:
Facebook- @portablepeds (www.facebook.com/portablepeds)
Twitter- @portablepeds (www.twitter.com/portablepeds)
We'd love to hear from you via email at portablepeds@gmail.com!
Also, feel free to visit our website, www.portablepeds.com, for more content.
We would like to give an enormous thank you to Zack Goldmann for designing this podcast’s logo and accompanying artwork. You can find more of his work at www.zackgoldmann.com.
The intro and outro of this podcast is a public domain song obtained from scottholmesmusic.com.
Intro/Outro- Hotshot by Scott Holmes
This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals. The information presented is for general educational purposes only and should NOT be used as professional medical advice or for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
The views and opinions expressed do not represent the views and opinions of our employer or any affiliated institution. Expressed opinions are based on specific facts, under certain conditions, and subject to certain assumptions and should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions or in any legal proceeding. Full terms and conditions can be found at portablepeds.com.
Thanks for listening! As always, please Rate and Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Facebook, or your favorite podcasting platform. Also, Subscribe to get all the latest episodes, and Share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it! Hope to see you real soon!
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Stats Facts! Study Design
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Today we’re reviewing high-yield Stats Facts! about Study Design. These episodes are not case-based, which differs from the episodes released in prior months. The content will be presented in a discussion/didactic format, and we hope you enjoy!
Follow the podcast on social media:
Facebook- @portablepeds (www.facebook.com/portablepeds)
Twitter- @portablepeds (www.twitter.com/portablepeds)
We'd love to hear from you via email at portablepeds@gmail.com!
Also, feel free to visit our website, www.portablepeds.com, for more content.
We would like to give an enormous thank you to Zack Goldmann for designing this podcast’s logo and accompanying artwork. You can find more of his work at www.zackgoldmann.com.
The intro and outro of this podcast is a public domain song obtained from scottholmesmusic.com.
Intro/Outro- Hotshot by Scott Holmes
This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals. The information presented is for general educational purposes only and should NOT be used as professional medical advice or for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
The views and opinions expressed do not represent the views and opinions of our employer or any affiliated institution. Expressed opinions are based on specific facts, under certain conditions, and subject to certain assumptions and should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions or in any legal proceeding. Full terms and conditions can be found at portablepeds.com.
Thanks for listening! As always, please Rate and Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Facebook, or your favorite podcasting platform. Also, Subscribe to get all the latest episodes, and Share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it! Hope to see you real soon!
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Stats Facts! Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV, & NPV
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Today we’re reviewing high-yield Stats Facts! about Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV, & NPV based on the Bayesian Four-Square Model. Our review episodes are released the last week of every month and are not case-based, which differs from the episodes released earlier in the month.
Follow the podcast on social media:
Facebook- @portablepeds (www.facebook.com/portablepeds)
Twitter- @portablepeds (www.twitter.com/portablepeds)
We'd love to hear from you via email at portablepeds@gmail.com!
Also, feel free to visit our website, www.portablepeds.com, for more content.
Important Formulas:
- Sensitivity: True Positive / Total # of diseased patients
- Specificity: True Negative / Total # of non-diseased patients
- Positive Predictive Value (PPV): True Positive / Total # of positive test results
- Negative Predictive Value (NPV): True Negative / Total # of negative test results
- Prevalence: Total # of diseased patients / Total # of patients in the studied population
We would like to give an enormous thank you to Zack Goldmann for designing this podcast’s logo and accompanying artwork. You can find more of his work at www.zackgoldmann.com.
The intro and outro of this podcast is a public domain song obtained from scottholmesmusic.com.
Intro/Outro- Hotshot by Scott Holmes
This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals. The information presented is for general educational purposes only and should NOT be used as professional medical advice or for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
The views and opinions expressed do not represent the views and opinions of our employer or any affiliated institution. Expressed opinions are based on specific facts, under certain conditions, and subject to certain assumptions and should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions or in any legal proceeding. Full terms and conditions can be found at portablepeds.com.
Thanks for listening! As always, please Rate and Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Facebook, or your favorite podcasting platform. Also, Subscribe to get all the latest episodes, and Share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it! Hope to see you real soon!
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Review- Oncology
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Today we’re reviewing the high-yield points from this month’s cases about Oncology. Our review episodes are released the last week of every month and are not case-based, which differs from the episodes released earlier in the month.
Follow the podcast on social media:
Facebook- @portablepeds (www.facebook.com/portablepeds)
Twitter- @portablepeds (www.twitter.com/portablepeds)
We'd love to hear from you via email at portablepeds@gmail.com!
Also, feel free to visit our website, www.portablepeds.com, for more content.
Our Cases from Earlier This Month:
Episode 34- Oncology- Leukemia
Episode 35- Oncology- Abdominal Masses
Episode 36- Oncology- Bony Tumors
We would like to give an enormous thank you to Zack Goldmann for designing this podcast’s logo and accompanying artwork. You can find more of his work at www.zackgoldmann.com.
The intro and outro of this podcast is a public domain song obtained from scottholmesmusic.com.
Intro/Outro- Hotshot by Scott Holmes
This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals. The information presented is for general educational purposes only and should NOT be used as professional medical advice or for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
The views and opinions expressed do not represent the views and opinions of our employer or any affiliated institution. Expressed opinions are based on specific facts, under certain conditions, and subject to certain assumptions and should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions or in any legal proceeding. Full terms and conditions can be found at portablepeds.com.
Thanks for listening! As always, please Rate and Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Facebook, or your favorite podcasting platform. Also, Subscribe to get all the latest episodes, and Share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it! Hope to see you real soon!
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Oncology- Bony Tumors
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Today we’ll be covering Bony Tumors, going along with this month’s theme, Oncology. If you haven’t listened to our podcast before, each week we have a case-based discussion about a medical topic to help you study for the pediatric medicine board exam. Episodes are released every weekend, and the case is then reviewed and reinforced on social media throughout the week.
Follow the podcast on social media:
Facebook- @portablepeds (www.facebook.com/portablepeds)
Twitter- @portablepeds (www.twitter.com/portablepeds)
We'd love to hear from you via email at portablepeds@gmail.com!
Also, feel free to visit our website, www.portablepeds.com, for more content.
Today’s Case:
A 15 year old female presents to your office with swelling and pain in the middle of her shin. She originally thought someone kicked her leg in soccer, but it has only gotten worse over the past few weeks. She was brought to the office because she is now having fevers, fatigue, and difficulty catching her breath. On palpation, her leg is tender and swollen but without bruising or erythema. You elect to get an X-ray of the affected leg and visualize a large area of destructive confluent lesions and elevated periosteum in the tibial diaphysis, consistent with where she is having pain. What is the most likely diagnosis for this child?
- Osteosarcoma
- Ewing Sarcoma
- Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Osteochondroma
- Osteomyelitis
We would like to give an enormous thank you to Zack Goldmann for designing this podcast’s logo and accompanying artwork. You can find more of his work at www.zackgoldmann.com.
The intro and outro of this podcast is a public domain song obtained from scottholmesmusic.com.
Intro/Outro- Hotshot by Scott Holmes
This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals. The information presented is for general educational purposes only and should NOT be used as professional medical advice or for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
The views and opinions expressed do not represent the views and opinions of our employer or any affiliated institution. Expressed opinions are based on specific facts, under certain conditions, and subject to certain assumptions and should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions or in any legal proceeding. Full terms and conditions can be found at portablepeds.com.
Thanks for listening! As always, please Rate and Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Facebook, or your favorite podcasting platform. Also, Subscribe to get all the latest episodes, and Share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it! Hope to see you real soon!
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Oncology- Abdominal Masses
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Today we’ll be covering Abdominal Masses, going along with this month’s theme, Oncology. If you haven’t listened to our podcast before, each week we have a case-based discussion about a medical topic to help you study for the pediatric medicine board exam. Episodes are released every weekend, and the case is then reviewed and reinforced on social media throughout the week.
Follow the podcast on social media:
Facebook- @portablepeds (www.facebook.com/portablepeds)
Twitter- @portablepeds (www.twitter.com/portablepeds)
We'd love to hear from you via email at portablepeds@gmail.com!
Also, feel free to visit our website, www.portablepeds.com, for more content.
Today’s Case:
An 18 month old male presents to urgent care with his mother. She is concerned about a head injury because he has two black eyes, and his eyes have been moving abnormally over the past week. No known trauma. Additionally, she feels he may have a “bigger belly than before” and looks thinner. Vital signs show temperature of 101°F, heart rate of 120 bpm, blood pressure of 110/70, and respiratory rate of 20 bpm. On physical exam, you note a protuberant, tender abdomen with a palpable, immobile mass on the right side that extends to the left, along with periorbital bruising on the right, and saccadic eye movements. What is the most likely diagnosis for this child?
- Wilms Tumor
- Non-accidental trauma
- Leukemia
- Neuroblastoma
- Hepatoblastoma
We would like to give an enormous thank you to Zack Goldmann for designing this podcast’s logo and accompanying artwork. You can find more of his work at www.zackgoldmann.com.
The intro and outro of this podcast is a public domain song obtained from scottholmesmusic.com.
Intro/Outro- Hotshot by Scott Holmes
This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals. The information presented is for general educational purposes only and should NOT be used as professional medical advice or for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
The views and opinions expressed do not represent the views and opinions of our employer or any affiliated institution. Expressed opinions are based on specific facts, under certain conditions, and subject to certain assumptions and should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions or in any legal proceeding. Full terms and conditions can be found at portablepeds.com.
Thanks for listening! As always, please Rate and Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Facebook, or your favorite podcasting platform. Also, Subscribe to get all the latest episodes, and Share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it! Hope to see you real soon!
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Oncology- Leukemia
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Today we’ll be covering Leukemia, going along with this month’s theme, Oncology. If you haven’t listened to our podcast before, each week we have a case-based discussion about a medical topic to help you study for the pediatric medicine board exam. Episodes are released every weekend, and the case is then reviewed and reinforced on social media throughout the week.
Follow the podcast on social media:
Facebook- @portablepeds (www.facebook.com/portablepeds)
Twitter- @portablepeds (www.twitter.com/portablepeds)
We'd love to hear from you via email at portablepeds@gmail.com!
Also, feel free to visit our website, www.portablepeds.com, for more content.
Today’s Case:
A 4 year old male is brought to his pediatrician due to concern for fevers and now refusal to walk. His mother has been checking his temperature for the past week since she noticed his energy levels were lower, and he was not wanting to eat. During the same time period, he has complained of pain in his legs, especially at night, leading to him refusing to walk this morning. On exam today, he is tachycardic, tachypneic and overall tired-appearing. You appreciate hepatosplenomegaly on exam, as well as ecchymoses and petechiae on his extremities, and he pushes you away repeatedly when you try to palpate his legs. Anticipating the most likely diagnosis for this patient, which clinical features would be consistent with a poor prognosis?
- Male gender & Age >1 year old
- WBC of 60,000 & Male gender
- (+) Testicular disease involvement & Age >1 year old
- (+) CNS disease involvement & WBC of 60,0000
- WBC of 40,000 & (+) Testicular disease involvement
We would like to give an enormous thank you to Zack Goldmann for designing this podcast’s logo and accompanying artwork. You can find more of his work at www.zackgoldmann.com.
The intro and outro of this podcast is a public domain song obtained from scottholmesmusic.com.
Intro/Outro- Hotshot by Scott Holmes
This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals. The information presented is for general educational purposes only and should NOT be used as professional medical advice or for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
The views and opinions expressed do not represent the views and opinions of our employer or any affiliated institution. Expressed opinions are based on specific facts, under certain conditions, and subject to certain assumptions and should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions or in any legal proceeding. Full terms and conditions can be found at portablepeds.com.
Thanks for listening! As always, please Rate and Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Facebook, or your favorite podcasting platform. Also, Subscribe to get all the latest episodes, and Share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it! Hope to see you real soon!
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Review- Infectious Disease: Chest Infections
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Today we’re reviewing the high-yield points from this month’s cases about Infectious Disease- Chest Infections. Our review episodes are released the last week of every month and are not case-based, which differs from the episodes released earlier in the month.
Follow the podcast on social media:
Facebook- @portablepeds (www.facebook.com/portablepeds)
Twitter- @portablepeds (www.twitter.com/portablepeds)
We'd love to hear from you via email at portablepeds@gmail.com!
Also, feel free to visit our website, www.portablepeds.com, for more content.
Our Cases from Earlier This Month:
Episode 30- Infectious Disease: Chest- Infective Endocarditis
Episode 31- Infectious Disease: Chest- Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
Episode 32- Infectious Disease: Chest- Bronchiolitis
We would like to give an enormous thank you to Zack Goldmann for designing this podcast’s logo and accompanying artwork. You can find more of his work at www.zackgoldmann.com.
The intro and outro of this podcast is a public domain song obtained from scottholmesmusic.com.
Intro/Outro- Hotshot by Scott Holmes
This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals. The information presented is for general educational purposes only and should NOT be used as professional medical advice or for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
The views and opinions expressed do not represent the views and opinions of our employer or any affiliated institution. Expressed opinions are based on specific facts, under certain conditions, and subject to certain assumptions and should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions or in any legal proceeding. Full terms and conditions can be found at portablepeds.com.
Thanks for listening! As always, please Rate and Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Facebook, or your favorite podcasting platform. Also, Subscribe to get all the latest episodes, and Share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it! Hope to see you real soon!
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Infectious Disease: Chest- Bronchiolitis
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Today we’ll be covering Bronchiolitis, going along with this month’s theme, Infectious Disease- Chest Infections. If you haven’t listened to our podcast before, each week we have a case-based discussion about a medical topic to help you study for the pediatric medicine board exam. Episodes are released every weekend, and the case is then reviewed and reinforced on social media throughout the week.
Follow the podcast on social media:
Facebook- @portablepeds (www.facebook.com/portablepeds)
Twitter- @portablepeds (www.twitter.com/portablepeds)
We'd love to hear from you via email at portablepeds@gmail.com!
Also, feel free to visit our website, www.portablepeds.com, for more content.
Today’s Case:
A 3 month old full term male infant presents to the Emergency Department in the winter with 3 days of worsening congestion, rhinorrhea, and difficulty breathing. On exam, the child is tachypneic with mild suprasternal and subcostal retractions and diffuse rhonchi. Oxygen saturations are 94% on room air. This child is subsequently admitted to the hospital for viral bronchiolitis. Which of the following interventions are recommended by the AAP?
- Chest X-ray
- Continuous pulse oximetry
- Albuterol aerosol
- Supplemental oxygen
- None of the above
We would like to give an enormous thank you to Zack Goldmann for designing this podcast’s logo and accompanying artwork. You can find more of his work at www.zackgoldmann.com.
The intro and outro of this podcast is a public domain song obtained from scottholmesmusic.com.
Intro/Outro- Hotshot by Scott Holmes
This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals. The information presented is for general educational purposes only and should NOT be used as professional medical advice or for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
The views and opinions expressed do not represent the views and opinions of our employer or any affiliated institution. Expressed opinions are based on specific facts, under certain conditions, and subject to certain assumptions and should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions or in any legal proceeding. Full terms and conditions can be found at portablepeds.com.
Thanks for listening! As always, please Rate and Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Facebook, or your favorite podcasting platform. Also, Subscribe to get all the latest episodes, and Share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it! Hope to see you real soon!
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Infectious Disease: Chest- Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Today we’ll be covering Community-Acquired Pneumonia, going along with this month’s theme, Infectious Disease- Chest Infections. If you haven’t listened to our podcast before, each week we have a case-based discussion about a medical topic to help you study for the pediatric medicine board exam. Episodes are released every weekend, and the case is then reviewed and reinforced on social media throughout the week.
Follow the podcast on social media:
Facebook- @portablepeds (www.facebook.com/portablepeds)
Twitter- @portablepeds (www.twitter.com/portablepeds)
We'd love to hear from you via email at portablepeds@gmail.com!
Also, feel free to visit our website, www.portablepeds.com, for more content.
Today’s Case:
An 18 month old previously healthy male presents to your primary care clinic for cough. Father reports patient has had fever, cough, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, and difficulty breathing for the past 24 hours. On physical exam, patient has nasal congestion, active cough, mild suprasternal retractions, and faint diffuse crackles. Pulse oximetry is 98% on room air. You suspect the patient has pneumonia, and you also obtain a rapid influenza test, which is positive. What is the next best step?
- Send the patient to the Emergency Department now for likely admission
- Obtain PA and Lateral Chest X-ray
- Start Amoxicillin
- Start Azithromycin
- Start Oseltamivir
We would like to give an enormous thank you to Zack Goldmann for designing this podcast’s logo and accompanying artwork. You can find more of his work at www.zackgoldmann.com.
The intro and outro of this podcast is a public domain song obtained from scottholmesmusic.com.
Intro/Outro- Hotshot by Scott Holmes
This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals. The information presented is for general educational purposes only and should NOT be used as professional medical advice or for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
The views and opinions expressed do not represent the views and opinions of our employer or any affiliated institution. Expressed opinions are based on specific facts, under certain conditions, and subject to certain assumptions and should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions or in any legal proceeding. Full terms and conditions can be found at portablepeds.com.
Thanks for listening! As always, please Rate and Review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Facebook, or your favorite podcasting platform. Also, Subscribe to get all the latest episodes, and Share this episode with someone you think would enjoy it! Hope to see you real soon!